Fri. Sep 20th, 2024



EOB News

Chief Moses N. Ozigbo Esere (JP), the Osuma of the Great Benin Kingdom, has described the author of the book of the decade (I AM STILL STANDING), Sir Tonna Celestine Okei as a man whom God has shown mercy to tell his story.

In his contributions to the book of the decade (I AM STILL STANDING), the Osuma of Benin wrote the following foreword:

“To God be the Glory, great things

He has done. This young man

being alive to tell his story is a

testimony to the wondrous works

of God. Indeed, God has been

faithful to Tonna Okei.

My daughter tells me that Tonna has always been a

true servant to his community. Having read what he has

had to endure these past years, I am convinced that he

has the favor of God. Only one with the blessings of God

can experience the ordeal he has been through and is still

going through and remain alive to tell the story. In spite

of his pain, he is resilient and continues to serve God and


Looking through what he has endured, from liver

failure to transplant and discharge, followed by his

thanksgiving to God; the removal of his whole colon;

insertion and removal of ileostomy bag which he carried

for months; subsequent admission due to complications;

fixing, drainage and removal of pipes, etc. So much for

one man. Indeed, he has gone through a lot, and I am



He has chosen to write a book out of it to tell his own

story of God’s faithfulness. His case has proven that

nothing is impossible with God. I am quite impressed

with his faith in God that He will never fail him as well

as his service to God and humanity even at his darkest

hours. His confidence in God is very rare, and God came

through for him by giving him victory over the


I must commend his wife, children, family, and

friends for staying by him during his darkest moments.

At such times, we truly appreciate the love and

assistance from family and friends, and for a man who

has given his all to the world, it is only gracious and

appropriate for us to stand by him at such moments. No

doubt, his experience, as captured in this book, will be of

immense benefit to us all. It will strengthen our faith in

God, especially in times of difficulties; we will be

encouraged like Tonna never to lose faith but to pray and

trust absolutely in God to bring us out of the situation.

We must learn from Tonna, and I am sure that his book

will encourage us all.

This book, therefore, informs and educates us that we

are not alone in difficult situations and that it is good to

serve one’s community. If Tonna was not a servant of the

people, he would not have. Perhaps he has gotten the

kind of love and prayers he is getting today. Lastly, we

can learn from Tonna’s experience that difficult times

will come, but we must be strong, steadfast, and


prayerful, knowing that with God, everything will

surely end in praise.

I encourage all who may be passing through difficult

times to look no further. Read this book. Like Job in the

bible, Tonna passed through the worst nightmare of his

life, but he held on to God, and today, he is victorious.

I pray that Tonna will live long and continue to serve

God and humanity. God bless everyone who will read

this book. On behalf of myself and my family, I wish

Tonna Okei and family Heavenly Grace and blessings”.

Chief MOSES N Ozigbo Esere (JP)

Osuma of Benin Kingdom

By eobnews

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