Fri. Sep 20th, 2024



By Ewere Okonta

In the heart of Delta State, nestled between the Niger and the Ethiope rivers, lies Ika South—a local government rich in history, culture, and potential. However, beneath its serene landscapes and bustling communities lies a deep-seated longing for effective, homegrown political leadership.

Since the dawn of Nigeria’s return to democracy in 1999, the people of Ika South have found themselves adrift, lacking a unifying figure to champion their interests and foster genuine development. Instead, political leadership has been dictated by external forces, predominantly from neighboring local governments, who often impose their candidates upon the people.

This imposition has led to a fractured community, devoid of a collective voice and direction. Development initiatives have stagnated, and the aspirations of the populace have been sidelined by self-serving imposters masquerading as leaders. These figures, manipulated by external influences, serve personal agendas rather than the needs of the community.

However, the winds of change are stirring in Ika South. The call for a local leader—one of integrity, competence, and commitment—echoes through the streets and homes of this region. The people are awakening to the realization that they must seize control of their destiny and identify a leader who embodies the virtues necessary to lead Ika South into a new era of progress and unity.

But who is this leader? The ideal candidate must possess a unique blend of qualities essential for effective governance in a diverse and challenging environment. They must be a unifier, capable of rallying the people around common goals, and possessing the skills to navigate complex political landscapes at local, state, and national levels.

Above all, the chosen leader must be a doer—an individual with a proven track record of tangible achievements and results. They should possess exceptional communication and negotiation skills, able to advocate effectively for Ika South’s interests and secure the resources needed for sustainable development.

Education and reputation will be critical factors in identifying this leader. The people of Ika South seek someone whose credentials can match or surpass those of the imposters currently in power—a leader whose integrity and dedication inspire trust and confidence.

This quest for authentic leadership is not just about filling a political vacuum; it is about revitalizing a community’s spirit and igniting the flames of progress. It is a call to action for the sons and daughters of Ika South to rise above divisions and unite behind a leader who embodies their aspirations and values.

As the search continues, hope resonates within the hearts of Ika South’s citizens. The time has come to cast aside the shadows of imposed leadership and forge a new path—one led by a visionary, capable, and homegrown leader who will guide Ika South towards its rightful place among Nigeria’s thriving communities.

Where do we find this LEADER?

*Note: This article is not about the upcoming council polls*

*Ewere Okonta is the CEO of EOB Media. He writes from the Department of Business Administration, University of Delta, Agbor*

By eobnews

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