Fri. Sep 20th, 2024



By Ewere Okonta

Dr Jude Onyemekihian, a celebrated lecturer at the University of Delta, Agbor, in the department of Political Science and International Relations, recently paid a visit to Salve Regina Children’s Home in an admirable display of empathy, compassion, and altruism. Known for his soft-spoken eloquence, Dr Onyemekihian is renowned for his efforts towards the welfare of the underprivileged, stretching his compassion beyond his professional realm.

Dr Onyemekihian embarked on his philanthropic expedition to Salve Regina, a home to destitute children, with provisions abundant in food stuffs, shoes, and funds proficient for settling numerous children’s school fees. His arrival was met with an atmospheric eruption of sheer joy, with children’s faces beaming with the prospects of not going to bed hungry that night. They hailed him as a beacon of hope, affectionately addressing him as “Big Daddy.”

He was given a warm welcome by the caretakers of the home, who are more familiar with the towering intellect of Dr Onyemekihian through his frequent visits. Appreciating his noble gesture, they fervently offered him blessings, extending their prayers to his family as well.

Dr Onyemekihian, during an interaction, divulged his driving force behind these visits, his compassion for the children. “I am a regular visitor to the home because I cannot sleep at night when I remember that there are children who might be hungry and may not eat at night,” he expressed, showcasing his profound empathy for the children.

In the face of a harsh economic climate, Dr Onyemekihian took it upon himself to ensure that every child in the home felt seen, cherished, and above all, loved. His actions resonate with Mother Teresa’s well-known quote: “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”

Dr Onyemekihian’s gesture is not just a donation but a stride towards giving these children a glimpse of the love they might be missing. His recurring gestures not only tugs at the heartstrings but also sets a precedent for us all to learn from, a testament to the stance that organismal success and societal progress aren’t just about academic or professional triumphs. On the contrary, they’re also about mindfully observing and nurturing human values.

Dr Onyemekihian’s actions indeed throw light on the huge role that love, compassion, and a generous heart play in making the world a better place. A lesson the world is in dire need of.

Ewere Okonta is the CEO of EOB Media. He writes from the Department of Business Administration, University of Delta, Agbor

By eobnews

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