Fri. Sep 20th, 2024



By Nma Ewere


On August 1st, Nigeria will witness a nationwide protest as citizens come together to demand significant reforms and address the pressing issues facing the nation. The protest, which has garnered substantial support from various sectors of society, aims to amplify the voices of Nigerians who are calling for change.

*Why We Are Protesting?*

As an activist of the society I feel I should give my own take on the upcoming protest.
The upcoming protest is rooted in widespread dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs in Nigeria.

Key issues driving the protest include:

Economic Hardship: Many Nigerians are struggling with rising inflation, unemployment, and a lack of economic opportunities. The cost of living has skyrocketed, making it difficult for the average citizen to make ends meet. I’m sure we can all attest to that!

Corruption: Corruption remains a pervasive problem, with many believing that government officials are more interested in personal gain than serving the public. There is a call for greater transparency and accountability in governance.

Insecurity: The country has seen a rise in violence and insecurity, from armed robbery to kidnappings. Very soon we would not be able to stay in our own homes ( most especially those cohabiting in developing areas). Citizens are demanding that the government take more effective action to protect the lives and property of Nigerians.

Education and Healthcare: The state of education and healthcare in Nigeria is alarming. Schools and hospitals are underfunded and poorly managed, leading to a decline in the quality of these essential services.

Human Rights Violations: There have been numerous reports of human rights abuses, including police brutality (do I need to remind you of how the endsars protest ended) and the suppression of free speech. The protest seeks to address these injustices and ensure that all Nigerians can enjoy their fundamental rights.



*The Goals of the Protest:*

The primary goals of the protest are to:

Pressure the Government for Reforms: Protesters are calling on the government to implement meaningful reforms that address the root causes of the country’s problems. This includes economic policies that promote job creation, anti-corruption measures, and strategies to improve security.

Raise Awareness: By coming together, Nigerians aim to draw attention to the issues that matter most to them. The protest serves as a platform for raising awareness and mobilizing public support for change.

Foster Unity and Solidarity: The protest is also about unity. It’s an opportunity for Nigerians from all walks of life to stand together in solidarity, demonstrating that the fight for a better Nigeria is a collective effort.

As a supporter of the protest, I urge every Nigerian who cares about the future of our nation to join us on August 1st. This is our chance to make our voices heard and demand the change we so desperately need. Let’s come together to create a Nigeria that works for everyone—a nation where justice, equity, and prosperity are within reach for all.

The nationwide protest on August 1st is more than just a demonstration; it is a movement for change. It is a testament to the resilience and determination of Nigerians who refuse to accept the status quo. Together, we can build a brighter future for our country. Let us stand firm, united in our quest for a better Nigeria.





©Nma Ewere

By eobnews

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