Thu. Sep 19th, 2024




By Chief Kester Utebor

​​​​​ Agbor, my great ancestral land, in whom I am well pleased (ali onye wu ndua), meaning your land is your strength. My land, which is richly blessed with a number of revered legendary ancestral heroes who fought several wars with the neighboring tribes, never lost a battle.

The Dein that reigned during this war of 1848, as history has it, was Obi Igbenije, reputed for the long years he stayed on throne for 90 years (from 1795 AD to 1885 AD). He was a master of the art of war and a gallant warrior, a revered legendary ancestral hero of Agbor mythology, who believed in the use of Nzun, the native chalk, as a symbol of peace and tranquility in our red earthed land.

With no iota of doubt, kola-nut is used to cement the relationship between the people and their ancestors and to welcome esteemed visitors by our elders, but the Nzun is sacred to Olokun, one of the principal deities of Agbor. It is used for the purification of the land in the interest of tranquility and peace.

I therefore bow to the great epic Agbor prowess and mythology. I salute all the revered legendary ancestral heroes of Agbor Kingdom with the ‘’Nzun’’ for resisting the assaults of imperialism on our land and culture with their crude implements and traditional powers.

“Posterity will acclaim our great role in not allowing African culture and tradition to decay and sink into obsolescence.”

  • Obi Ikenchuku (1968-1979)

Sir, Tonna Celestine Okei, my great and philanthropic brother, with whom I am well pleased, is another hero and a living saint of our time. Difficult roads can lead to beautiful destinations. There is always hope beyond what you can see. It’s possible not just to survive but to thrive and to live a healthy, wonderful life again. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. Cancer doesn’t have to define you, but my brother Knight, Sir Tonna Celestine, has defined cancer and liver transplants through the mercy of Osolobue (God).

Being positive is the best medication you can take. Due to his religious and cultural background, he was positive.

Despite his medical health condition of pre-colon cancer and many complicated health challenges, he was still being positive and helping humanity. What a rare gem.

Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.

Despite all odds, Sir Tonna is still singing praise and worship.

He stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow him away, he adjusted his sails. Sir Tonna is indeed a grand knight and warlord.

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and twice as beautiful as you ever imagined. Don’t let cancer or any other problems cause you to sell yourself short or forget your worth.

I am a cultural and religious believer, like my ingenuity brother. Sir Tonna Celestine Okei, your life is your story. Write well. Edith often. You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control the way that you handle it through your religious and cultural beliefs. What do you want your story to say?

Be thankful and grateful for this day; you are here breathing and living life. Even if it’s not the life you want or hoped for, it’s life. There is always something to be thankful for.

This book is very motivational and inspirational. It is not a miracle but the true life story of our great-grand knight, Sir Tonna Celestine Okei. Eworor, Ogidigan, Diken, and Weri ‘’Nzun’’

To God be thy glory for the life of our brother, Sir Tonna Celestine Okei, and our life today. Osolobue emeyeke (meaning thank you, Lord) Ose ka (meaning God is the greatest).

Chief Kester Egiliwebi Utebor

​​​Deinkanma of the ancient Agbor Kingdom


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