Thu. Sep 19th, 2024



Blessings My name is Onyeka. I am the first child of Sir Tonna Okei. I am based in the UK, while my father is based in the US. You can already imagine how much pain one can feel when the news breaks out while living at such a distance. One thing about me is that I took it seriously when Jesus said to be more spiritual than carnal. I was born into this world, but I am not of it. Therefore, any disease or pestilence that roams in this physical realm cannot touch me or my family. I don’t care how vigorous that sickness is; my crazy faith can guarantee that it is not going to work.

When I heard about the news, you would think that I would start crying right away. That was the opposite for me. It may sound bizarre, but as I was reading the doctor’s note, I couldn’t see or hear anything else but the face and the voice of Jesus. Bear in mind that, up until this point that I’ve been made aware of how my father is feeling, I was not taking Jesus as seriously as I should. Jesus was in my mind, but he was not at the forefront of my mind. When making life decisions, I never seek to see what he would want versus what I would want. Jesus was the one I ran to as a last option instead of a first. As I was reading my father‘s medical report, I started to realize how we as Christians know about Jesus but know nothing of him personally outside of the Bible. Everybody claims that this is their father, but the relationship you have with your biological father is much stronger than the relationship you have with the Father in heaven. The people of today use the Bible as a biography of Jesus, but the people of the old, the disciples of the old—not all of them were privileged enough to even walk around with scriptures, but one thing they did have was a strong relationship with Christ himself.

They were able to hear him as if he were a human being standing next to them. This is the reason why miracles were flowing so easily back in the day. This is the reason why thousands and thousands of people were healed at the same time, but if we look at Christianity today, can we see that happening? There is more chaos today than miracles, signs, or wonders! That’s why it is easy to have faith as weak as a soggy leaf in 2024, because your day-to-day basis is not spiritual; it is carnal. You don’t see miracles of the old. In fact, you look around in today’s world and see nothing but stagnancy. You look around for evidence of Jesus, but everything and everyone just seems to be so evil. My father told me he was ill, and this was a serious type of illness. Immediately, I saw that his faith was weak. Therefore, this is not the time for me to cry.

My main problem here is not his tears. My main problem here is not even his health. My main problem is that I don’t hear God clearly, and I can’t see him the way the disciples did. I don’t know him the way I know my own biological father. I cannot guarantee that if I pray right now, it will come to pass within a certain number of days. That is our biggest problem, because as long as we cannot guarantee that our prayer will come to pass, then our faith will be accompanied by tears. You ever hear about “you will reap what you sow?” Exactly. I was not about to sow tears and expect a bountiful harvest, but what I was about to sow was an offering of praise and worship. You cannot want the effects of Jesus without Jesus, so in that moment, I could’ve prayed for healing; I could’ve even prayed for strength for the family. I chose not to. I prayed for God‘s voice. Because one thing I know is that there is nobody who is hidden under the wing of the Most High in worship who will ever be touched by the evil one.

So this was the time to change my mindset and to turn around my perspective. Everything that happens on earth, good or bad, happens, so you can turn your attention back to Jesus. I will not sit here and argue with any demon or give credit to a demon when my Father in Heaven exists. When worshiping Jesus, there is healing, breakthrough, prosperity, and the provision of food. There is nothing I want that I will not get if I worship Jesus. As Christians, we need to learn to stop asking for things even though it is in our right to do so. If God himself has already given you the blueprint, then why are you still crying? Why are you still fearful? Is he not the same God of signs, wonders, and miracles anymore? Is it because you live in a world that is so evil that you forget that your God is still on the throne? Never be swayed and never be distracted by the plots of the enemy in this physical realm.

After worshiping God and seeking his voice, I had to go to my alter and make a promise. There was nobody in the Bible who specifically went by their altar and made a promise that did not see an immediate result. My covenant with him at that moment was,

“I need you, Jesus, to work a miracle in my father, so that I know that you are hearing my prayers and that you are real. You’re not just in the Bible; you’re right in front of me, hearing what I am saying. If you can work this miracle that only God can work, my father‘s faith will increase 1000%. I will also know that you heard what I just said. If you do this for me, Jesus, then me and the rest of the descendants of the Okei will become your full-time disciples; we will go out and heal the sick; full-time ministry will be our portion. We will never again see anything more important than you. If it doesn’t have your hand in it, we are not going. If you didn’t tell us to do it, we are not going; even if other human beings disagree, as long as our Jesus agrees and you have given us confirmation with your voice, then let it be so. When people see the Okei’s from now on, they will see nothing but Jesus. Let this miracle be a mark in my generation and for generations to come that God‘s hand is upon my family name and nobody can remove it. You are a covenant-keeping God. Therefore, if there came a day where even you, my Lord, wanted to remove it, you would not be able to. I’m not asking for this prayer or promise to come to pass within two months, as I made this prayer today on Friday, February 5, 2022, and by next Friday, February 12, 2022, I need all of this to come to pass. If I don’t see a turnaround within the next seven days, then I will go back to my old ways, where my life was not devoted to you. I’ll go back to doing what I know because clearly, if it doesn’t come to pass, then you didn’t hear me.”

Knowing it would come to pass, I told my father, “By your next checkup, the doctor will see a change.” That same day, I did extensive research, found herbs my father could take, and ordered them to his house. I told him that by his next appointment, the doctor would notice something, and it wasn’t a lie. His sister, my aunt, made a comeback on the change, and the jaundice started to reduce very slowly, and the bilirubin changed by a notch by his next appointment! All this within 7 days!! I immediately knew that we were living the testimony we prayed for.

This testimony was healing; it wouldn’t just touch my father but would touch the rest of this generation. I believe my father was used as a heavenly portal to not just change his life but to help everyone else too! Ever since then, Daddy got healthier, and I have been closer to Christ than ever. I am now a minister with revivals based in Ohio that will soon branch out to Europe. I am submitted under Kingdom Embassy Maryland, who have been changing lives all over the world for many, many years.

I know that this book will touch many people’s lives and heal many people. This book has the heavenly privilege to hold one of the many portals of healing for our generation. This book isn’t just a book; it is the manifested presence of Jesus himself. It is life-changing and will forever prove to be. Along this journey, we have also accumulated hospital bills and fees, and any donations from this book would also be life-changing. Grab this book and spread it to the masses. Saves souls with this book. People are hurting. People are looking for an answer from Jesus; this is their missing piece. I pray this book ministers to you every time you read it.

-Onyeka Okei


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