Thu. Sep 19th, 2024



By Nma Ewere


Necromancy, is the art of invoking and communicating with the spirits of the dead. It is believed that the spirits of ancestors and deceased loved ones can offer guidance, protection, and insight into various aspects of life.

This practice is usually done in order to find out the cause of death of the deceased and is rooted in the belief that death is not the end but a transition to another realm where the spirit continues to exist.
Practitioners of necromancy, often known as “dibias” or “native doctors,” (Ogbebulu). These individuals are believed to possess special knowledge and abilities that allow them to communicate with the spiritual realm. They undergo rigorous training and initiation processes, often passed down through generations, to master the art of necromancy.

The practice of necromancy involves a series of complex rituals and ceremonies.
The family would approach the village’s experienced necromancer, known for his ability to speak with the deceased. They request his help in finding out the truth behind the sudden death. The necromancer who is the native doctor designates a quiet, secluded area within the family compound as the ritual space. This space is cleansed and prepared to ensure it is spiritually conducive for the ritual. The family collects items that deceased was fond of, such as his favorite food, personal belongings, and traditional offerings like kola nuts, local gin, palm wine, and a chicken for sacrifice. These offerings are intended to attract the deceased spirit and make him feel welcome.

At dusk, the necromancer begins the ritual by lighting a fire and burning incense made from sacred herbs. The smoke purifies the space and creates a pathway for the spirit. He also sprinkles water mixed with herbs around the area to ward off any malevolent spirits. He pours libations of water and palm wine onto the ground, accompanied by incantations calling upon the deceased spirit to come forward. The animal sacrifice is performed, with the blood being used to further sanctify the space and strengthen the connection with the spiritual realm.

The necromancer enters a trance like state calls out to the deceased spirit, asking him to reveal the circumstances surrounding his death.



Omeni ogboma ya gbui ye ti
Omeni eneya ya ju
(If it is witchcraft that killed you, you tell us, if it is not you tell us)

The corpse would hit a designated place if it is witchcraft that killed it and would not if it is not witchcraft

Omeni ogboman gha azun nne gbui ye ti
Omeni eneya ya ju
(If it is the witchcraft from your mother’s side you tell us, if it is not you tell us)

Omeni ogboman gha azun nnedi gbui ye ti
Omeni eneya ya ju
(If the witchcraft is from your father’s side, if it is not, you tell us)

Omeni you seye ihien gbui ni ye ti
Omeni ene you ya ju”
(If is what you did that caused your death you tell us, if it is not you tell us)

Mind you the necromancer would only progress to the next question if the corpse has replied a negative to the other question.

(lmao I feel so great writing in Agbor language )

It may also take form in
1. Direct Possession: the deceased’s spirit may possess the necromancer, speaking directly through him. The necromancer’s voice and mannerisms might change, reflecting the deceased’s presence.

2. Messages through Objects: The necromancer might use objects such as cowrie shells, bones, or ancestral relics to receive messages from deceased’s spirit. These objects are thrown or arranged in specific patterns that the necromancer interprets.

They are some cases where the corpse runs towards the house of the perpetuator of his death.


PS: I didn’t ever think that necromancy was real.

I categorized it in same class as werewolves and vampires.

Who would have ever thought?

That was until my dad gave me a detailed story and I didn’t think I would write on it, until now.

But because of the goodness of my heart and services to humanity, I fell that my fellow Gen Z’s need to be made aware of this knowledge.

Another thing I feel I should voice out is that this should be a good solution in death of mysterious circumstances. These past ways slap harder (personal opinion).

In conclusion, a question to the baby boomers and all generations before that… did you guy ever see the process of necromancy…do people still do it?




©Nma Ewere

By eobnews

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